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Let in Snow, Let it Snow

Aurora Snow on the Set of Angels

Business/International Law - what aspects interest you the most and why?

Aurora Snow - Actually I have found an interest in business law and with an emphasis in contracts.

Are you going to apply that to the industry later on? When you are done performing are you going to be a contract lawyer?

Aurora Snow - I don't have plans to do that but if it came up I wouldn't be apposed to it. I do plan on getting my Law Degree and seeing where it takes me from there.

What have you learned since coming into the industry that you wished you had known from the start?

Aurora Snow - I didn't even know what the industry was about when I got into it so I don't think I could fairly answer that question but I can say that I have learned a lot in the industry. I have learned a lot of life experiences that I never would have realized by staying in school.

What advice would you give women just coming into the industry?

Aurora Snow - Don't do anal for your first scene.

That is a good piece of advice there.

What have you not accomplished in the industry yet that you would like to?

Aurora Snow - I would say directing. I am still figuring that out and still learning. I have no goal to win an award at it I just want to learn how to do it and do it really well.

Your first movie was a gonzo do you plan on doing a feature later on?

Aurora Snow - I would love to do features later on once I get the hang of shooting gonzo first.

Tell me something about yourself that would surprise people.

Aurora Snow - I don't think it would surprise people that I read books all the time. I go to the gym. I don't party. In fact if it is a Friday or Saturday I try to stay in because I don't like all the crowds. If I go out it has to be during the week.

Give me 5 words that describe you as a person.

Aurora Snow - Shy, Quite, Mellow, Boring, Kitty Lover

Give me 5 words that describe your perfect guy?

Aurora Snow - Clean, Responsible, Sober, Respectful, Unfettered - Childless

Why do I get the feeling there is an inside joke on that answer that I am missing.

Happiness is?

Aurora Snow - Laying in bed with your kitties on top of you purring on a rainy day.

Tell me about Junker Designs and Lip Service.

Aurora Snow - I haven't done Lip Service yet but I will be. Junker Designs was actually very fun. We had this great time and we got to try on all these really cool looking clothes. Denim and leather and everyone was just so nice. The designer was there and he was talking about how he worked with the leather and the denim and the ideas he had for different things. He was actually in it too. He did all these karate kicks and things.

Anything else you want to talk about?

Aurora Snow - Go check out my web site. It is I always forget to plug my web site even though I know it is the first thing I should be thinking of. Also check out my movie Assploitations which is being released on September 30th through Mayhem. Their web site is It is a simultaneous release on VHS and DVD.

Thank you for your time. It was nice meeting you again.

Bernard Pivot Questionnaire

What is your favorite word?

Aurora Snow - feline

What is your least favorite word?

Aurora Snow - Cunt

What turns you on?

Aurora Snow - Soft touching, little nudges, the really soft stuff no one likes to shoot.

What turns you off?

Aurora Snow - Just bad hygiene. Smelling bad.

What sound do you love?

Aurora Snow - Rainfall

Not cats purring?

Aurora Snow - No, I just think rainfall is very peaceful. It is the perfect time to take a walk.

What sound or noise do you hate?

Aurora Snow - Really loud noisy kids shrieking.

What is your favorite curse word?

Aurora Snow - I know I say "shit" a lot. But it depends on the situation.

What profession would you like to attempt, other than your own?

Aurora Snow - Do you mean in a fantasy land where I could do it or in reality where I could actually do it?


Aurora Snow - In fantasy land I would probably be on stage somewhere acting and performing without the adult part which would hinder that. In reality I am happy with the way things are and just want to see where they go.

No plans on doing an off Broadway play somewhere?

Aurora Snow - I would like to so if it comes up, yes.

What profession would you not like to participate in?

Aurora Snow - Anything that is overly active. I have bad knees so that probably wouldn't work. Actually no I would hate to be working on a cruise. I don't like being in the ocean or being on boats so I think that would be the worst actually.

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

Aurora Snow - How many kitties do you want?

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