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Jesse Jane Banner Courtesy of Jesse

Jesse Jane - Hooters Girl

Jesse Jane 2004 Adult Entertainment Expo

If you could go back in time and spend one year with a person of historical importance who would that person be?

Jesse Jane - Good question. Wow. Marilyn Monroe.


Jesse Jane - I think...She was one of the first who posed for Playboy. She was the first to be very open with herself. She was very beautiful, very liberal. I know she got some flack for it then. But look at her now. I mean my god everybody loves her. So I would have to say Marilyn Monroe. I would like to know her as a person because I give her total credit for being able to step out there and be very comfortable with her sexuality. Dealing with everybody's flack. Especially back then. They were not open to sex. So definitely her.

If you could be any cookie in the world, what kind of cookie would you be?

Jesse Jane - I would be an M&M cookie.

You like M&M's?

Jesse Jane - They melt in your "mouth" and not in your hand. :D

If the library was on fire and you had the opportunity to save two books, what two books would they be and why?

Jesse Jane - Gone with the Wind and To Kill a Mockingbird.

If you could visit one place in the world where would that be and why?

Jesse Jane - Brazil

During Carnival or just anytime?

Jesse Jane - During Carnival! :)

Is there anything else you would like to talk about?

Jesse Jane - I don't think so. Just watch out for me because I am coming on strong. :)


Bernard Pivot Questionnaire


What is your favorite word?

Jesse Jane - Duh

What is your least favorite word?

Jesse Jane - Oh my god why can't I think of one. No.

What turns you on?

Jesse Jane - Eyes

What turns you off?

Jesse Jane - Smelly people

What sound do you love?

Jesse Jane - I love when people roll their 'r's with their tongue. I can't do it but I really love it.

What sound or noise do you hate?

Jesse Jane - When people snore.

What is your favorite curse word?

Jesse Jane - Fuck

What profession would you like to attempt, other than your own?

Jesse Jane - Mainstream acting.

What profession would you not like to participate in?

Jesse Jane - A boring desk job.

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

Jesse Jane - Welcome home you will be happy for the rest of your life.

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